Clear Correct

Clear Correct

ClearCorrect Clear Teeth Aligners

Love your Smile with Straight teeth! Dr. Nguyen at Bryant Family Dentistry in Bryant, Arkansas uses the ClearCorrect aligner method to make sure your teeth are straight and beautiful.  Clear Correct is one of the most affordable orthodontic treatments available and If you have dental insurance, many times, your out of pocket expense is very minimal!  Call us today to talk about making your smile as bright as your life! 

ClearCorrect FAQs

Are ClearCorrect aligners covered by dental insurance?
Many dental plans do include coverage for orthodontic appliances such as clear aligners. If you meet your insurance company’s eligibility requirements, they may cover a portion of the total treatment cost up to a lifetime maximum, which is typically between $1,000 to $3,000 USD. Your doctor and insurance company can provide more details.

Can I pay for ClearCorrect aligners with an FSA or HSA?
Generally, yes. Funds from flex spending accounts and health savings accounts can be applied to orthodontic appliances like clear aligners.

How often should I wear aligners?
Wear aligners as directed by Dr. Nguyen at Bryant Family Dentistry in Bryant, Ar. —usually two to three weeks per step, at least 22 hours per day. Take them out to eat and brush your teeth.

How long does treatment take?
This varies from patient to patient. Treatment can take anywhere from a few months to a few years, depending on the complexity of the case.

How visible are clear aligners?
Clear aligners are completely transparent, which makes them much more discreet than metal braces. People usually don’t notice them. They’re not magic, however—you can see them at close range if you know what to look for.

Does ClearCorrect treat patients directly?
No. ClearCorrect manufactures aligners based on prescriptions from dentists and orthodontists. You and your doctor play the biggest role in ensuring the success of your treatment.

Does ClearCorrect guarantee perfect results?
Most patients do experience significant improvement in their smiles, but it’s impossible to guarantee the outcome of any orthodontic treatment. Your results may vary.

Will I need to wear a retainer after treatment?
To prevent relapse, doctors usually prescribe a retainer after any orthodontic treatment. ClearCorrect offers affordable, discreet clear retainers suitable for patients treated with clear aligners or traditional metal braces.

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